Event Information


Circuito Biogás nos Estados

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March 18, 2024


Curitiba, Brazil


The Brazilian Biogas Association (ABiogás) will carry out the Biogas Circuit in the States , an initiative that aims to explore the particularities and opportunities of biogas and biomethane in each state and maximize the use of their full potential. The first edition will be held in Curitiba (PR), to bring a look at the State of Paraná. The event will be on March 18th and registration is open, free of charge, with limited tickets. 

This first edition has the support of the Federation of Industries of Paraná (Fiep) and will feature the participation of the main authorities in the sector in the state of Paraná. The event will have two panels to discuss the animal protein chain and the logistical challenges of infrastructure. A networking cocktail will be held providing an opportunity to establish connections with experts, sector leaders and public authorities. 

Location: FIEP System Events Center - Caio Amaral Auditorium
Address: Av. Comendador Franco, 1341, Jardim Botânico, Curitiba – Paraná
Free event, limited registration:  https://www.sympla. com.br/evento/circuito-biogas- nos-states-parana/2317749